eats and drinks

favorites this week

wild blue

surfrider bowl

GONE GREEN cold pressed juice

chia seed

served up in paradise

served up in paradise

aloha friends.

Rooted in compassion and created to inspire others, WildKind is a total wellness company based in Hawaii. WildKind combines its passion for wellness, plant-based food, and encouragement to inspire individuals to live a healthy life with an abundance of kindness to self, others, and the world. 

free download

the 5-day clean
eating challenge.

inspiring self-care

WildKind is here to inspire you to be your best self. Through compassion and kindness, you’ll discover how to reprioritize your health by setting realistic goals, learning how to shift your mindset, giving your body what it truly needs, and so much more.

total body wellness

wellness challenges

take the 28 day challenge now

wellness talks

coming soon

28-Total Body Clean Up

This is a personal challenge - just you and your 1:1 coach for 5 weeks! All delivered thru the exclusive WildKind app. You’ll have 24/7 messaging with your coach during the prep week and four challenge weeks.

coming soon: 8 week balancing Hormones naturally program (just for women)

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good vibes
