Tips To Avoid The Daily 3PM Crash Cycle

Are you feeling it too?

The dreaded 3PM crash, when our energy dips and we feel like we can't keep going. This cycle can be very frustrating and counterproductive to how we want to feel each day. Do you ever feel like you've hit a wall in the afternoon and can't seem to get going again? You are not alone. According to some studies, around 75% of people experience a lull in energy at around 3PM. This so-called "3PM crash" can be caused by a variety of factors, including dehydration, low blood sugar, and stress. Fortunately, there are several simple daily habits you can start today to help avoid it. Here are some tips that might work for you. 

1. Eat a low-carb breakfast and lunch

Foods that are rich in carbs, but low in protein can lead to a spike in blood sugar, which then results in a major decrease in energy.  It’s important for all our meals and snacks to be balanced with a blend of protein, healthy fats, and non-starchy carbs. 

2. Hydration- Water, Water, Water

This should be a no-brainer, but it’s so easy to lose track of time and realize later on, you haven’t had nearly as much water as you need to consume each day for optimum health. This simple habit could be a prime reason why you’re feeling that 3PM crash.

3. Avoid sweets throughout the day

Sugar has a way of taking over our diet if we aren’t being mindful of what we are consuming!  Did you know it’s recommended that women consume only 24g a day and men 36g.  I can guarantee if you aren’t tracking your food, most likely you are getting 3-4x that amount.   It’s important to avoid the temptation of sweets throughout the day, and limit sugary treats to a few times a week instead.  Meal prep is the best way to avoid consuming too much sugar.  When hunger strikes, we tend to grab whatever is in sight and it’s usually something sweet.  If we planned and prepped for the day that healthier snack like nuts, yogurt, or veggies is ready to go and helps us stay on track!

4. Go for a walk

I encourage all my clients to get up and begin each day with a short walk.  20-30 mins is is enough to give you that wake-up boost you need. Short periods of physical activity are more effective in giving an energy boost than caffeine.  **Pro-Tip:  If you work a desk job, I highly recommend setting a timer and getting up every hour to move.   Movement is vital to a healthy life, so stop and do 15 squats, hold a 3 min downward dog.  It doesn’t have to be a lot at one time, but over the day it will add up!

5. Listen to music

Who doesn’t love music!  That’s right, something as simple as this can help wake you in the morning! Research has shown music can help increase your concentration levels.  Carson Tate, author of Work Simply: Embracing the Power of Your Personal Productivity Style actually recommends the best genre of music to listen to is a laid-back beat or lo-fi beat to help clear the mind.   So wake up, turn on your favorites and start your day off with lots of happy vibes.

Test these for yourself!  What does your 3PM currently look like? After trying some of these tips for a few weeks, I hope it’s full of energy and NO more crashes!

What if you could be more productive and less stressed? I can help. If you're like most people, your productivity starts to decline in the early afternoon. You might find yourself feeling sleepy, unfocused, or unmotivated after lunch even though it's only 3PM (aka "The 3PM Crash"). The good news is that this phenomenon isn't a sign of laziness; instead, it's caused by your body’s natural circadian rhythm! 

The 3PM crash cycle is a thing of the past. With these five easy steps, you can beat this phenomenon and maintain your energy levels throughout the day!  I believe in you and am cheering you on!


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