why moving your body is so important

Your immune system is the ultimate defense, designed to beat back all of the invaders that are trying desperately to get into your body. It is a vital part of your overall health and wellness. Your immune system can start to get worn down with age, overexposure to toxins, and a whole host of other issues.

Sometimes, your immune system needs a little boost. It is your signal to take action!

One of the simplest, most cost-effective ways to boost your immune system is just to get up and get moving!

Movement is helpful in nearly every area of your life, but one key space is all about boosting your immune system.

Benefits of daily movement

Building muscle, losing or maintaining weight, improves your mindset, and cardiovascular health or just a few benefits to moving your body with intention every single day.

Vitamin D

If you’re the type of person who already loves being outside, this is a simple suggestion that can give you maximum benefits. Getting outside to move can boost your levels of vitamin D, a key nutrient that keeps your immune system working as it should.

Rather than turn to supplements or other ways to get vitamin D in your life, the cheapest way is to just get outside! The sunshine is free, and a walk around your neighborhood is a great way to boost your immune system and mindset.


Movement is tied closely to a chemical in the brain called serotonin! You get this same boost in serotonin when you are with someone you love, or you have done something you like. Getting moving can help make you happier!

The release of serotonin not only increases your mood but can boost your immune system. The happier you feel, the better edge you’ll have on your immune system!

Incorporating Movement

This isn’t about doing something extreme. Choosing the right type of exercise or finding ways to just get moving throughout the day is vital to boosting your overall health and wellness and your immune system!

Take a Walk

Going on a walk around the block or around the neighborhood is a time-honored method to get your daily movement in! You’ll be able to be outside, set your own pace, and even take along some friends of the two or four-legged variety. As you grow stronger and your immune system feels better, you can increase the length or intensity of these walks as needed.

You don’t have to wait until after work either to go on a nice walk! Take time out of your day to walk around the building or around the block to give your eyes and brain a break.

For every hour I’m working on the computer, I like to set a timer and get up and do some sort of movement.


As a low-intensity exercise, yoga is a great way to get moving, work on your flexibility, and still use the space to unwind after a long day at work! You’ll be able to boost your immune system just by stretching, moving, and focusing on your inner thoughts and feelings.

You might start your day with a session of yoga or finish it out with one! There’s a different type of move and intensity to suit beginners or long-time practitioners.

Strength Training

Building your muscles is a vital part of movement! As you build up your core and muscle strength, you’ll start to notice a difference in the way you see and interpret the world. Your body becomes stronger in every area including with your immune system boosting it to fight against any foreign invaders within the system!


If you’re ready to step it up a notch and start doing more than just a simple walk then getting intentional about cardio is a great way to go! As you build up to more intense cardio, your body learns to pump blood more efficiently which gets white and red blood cells to all areas of the body to help fight off infection.

Not only do you start to see a huge difference in the way your body operates, but you’ll also see your body better able to fight off colds, flu, and other viruses.


Getting up and getting active is one of the best ways to boost and strengthen your immune system! Movement doesn’t have to be extreme. Start where you are and has your fitness improves you can build on it and incorporate more movement. The main point is to move with intention and get your heart pumping!

Start by getting out and walking for at least 20 minutes each day. This might be as simple as a walk around the neighborhood or a lap around the block. Add in new exercises and try new programs to find the perfect one for you that helps you stay active and still stay engaged with movement!

If you’re looking for fitness programming, WildKind offers a monthly membership with three tracks (you get access to all of them.

  1. Full Gym Access

  2. Minimal Equipment

  3. Total Bodyweight

Programming includes daily motivation, general warm up, specific warm up, the three workout tracks and accessory work. All delivered to the SugarWOD app so you can track your progress over time. And the WildKind community will be cheering you on with some app fist bumps along the way. You can learn more here >> WildKind Monthly Fitness Programming!


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